Mar 03

Apple’s share of the U.S. PC market jumped to 8.1% in the third quarter of 2007, a 37% increase from the previous year.  One reason for Apple’s surging success is its catchy “Hello, I’m a Mac” commercials starring Justin Long as “Mac” and John Hodgman as “PC”:


As you might expect, these successful Mac vs. PC commercials have spawned a legion of spin-offs and parodies. 

United Kingdom

Did you know Apple customizes its commercials for each region?  Check out “The Naughty Step” commercial showing in the U.K.:



And the Japanese Ninja version:


Christmas Animation

Apple used stop-motion animation to honor the classic Christmas TV shows:


South Park

Speaking of animation, here is the South Park version:


Web Ad

This commercial never made it on TV:



Comic Chris Elliott busts on file sharing:


PC’s Revenge

In this animated parody, PC finally gets its revenge:



In the upcoming U.S. presidential elections, the Democrats represent change, and what better way to show “change” than with a Mac?



Rumor has it this funny anti-Mac rant originally inspired the Mac vs. PC ads (warning–adult language):


Mac in Love

And in real life, the “Mac” guy is apparently in love with the “E.T.” girl, Drew Barrymore:

Drew Barrymore and Justin Long

“Mac phone home…”

Article published on March 3, 2008

7 Responses to “Hello, I’m a Mac”

  1. Irishman Says:

    These are so good that I am seriously considering a Mac for my next computer. Name another ad campaign that has affected the American lingo so much. The last one that I can think of is the Tastes Great / Less Filling wars of a decade plus ago.

  2. Lithuanianman Says:

    Nice adds 🙂 Love them

  3. commercially reasonable Says:

    […] expect, these successful Mac vs. PC commercials have spawned a legion of spin-offs and parodies. reasonable definitioncommercially reasonable – definition of commercially reasonable […]

  4. “Hello, I’m a PC,” : Software Org Says:

    […] apparently tired of bein&#103 portrayed a&#115 a dumpy ha&#115-been in Apple’&#115 “He&#108&#108o, I’m a Mac” &#99ommer&#99ial&#115.  T&#104e &#115oftware gia&#110t &#104a&#115 ju&#115t […]

  5. I Really Hate Windows Sometimes Says:

    […] and still this glitch stumped me for hours.  So what would most users do?  I know… buy a Mac. AKPC_IDS += "938,";Popularity: unranked [?]SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "I Really Hate Windows […]

  6. Christmas Animations Videos | More More Pics Says:

    […] In this animated parody, […]

  7. My Mac is Running Slow Says:

    Hello i’m Mac, lol was all great marketing, I remember these ads and I think it was around that time I switched. Once you go Mac you never go back… And now my Mac is running slow sigh…

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