Jul 15

Copyright © Daniel Andres Forero, used under license

“I’m tellin ya, mo fos… I’ll bet my last clean diaper that C# is the best programming language there is.”

Now here’s something you don’t see every day: a programming poem.  A BABY programming poem, no less!  Apparently Google App Inventor is so easy that even an infant can build Android apps.

But back to the poem by Andra McCoy.  Here is the first stanza:

Why does PHP and HTML sleep in the same crib,
Whenever I look, they’re sharing a bib.
They seem to support some code they call OOP,
I find it irrelevant, more concerned with my Poop!

Any poem that contains both OOP and poop is true geek art in my book!

Read the rest of the “Baby On Rails” poem

Article published on July 15, 2010

5 Responses to “Baby on Rails: A Programming Poem”

  1. Tweets that mention Baby on Rails: A Programming Poem -- Topsy.com Says:

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by TechnologyLover and ComputerGeeker, Timm Martin. Timm Martin said: Baby on Rails: A Programming Poem – http://devtopics.com/dD […]

  2. Baby on Rails: A Programming Poem | ClicKeep.Net Says:

    […] the original here: Baby on Rails: A Programming Poem […]

  3. Education efforts will target teens and seniors | Personal services Says:

    […] Baby on Rails: A Programming Poem […]

  4. Can anyone suggest a language translation service to serve students from different language backgrounds? | Personal services Says:

    […] Baby on Rails: A Programming Poem […]

  5. Coder Says:

    Thanks for posting this! Nice little poem! 🙂

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