Feb 05

You know it’s time to find a new job when your boss buys you one of these chairs:

Key Features:

  • Fully unit-tested in our ego-free ergonomics lab
  • Essential office furniture for any eXtreme XP Pair (XXPP)
  • Fully adjustable via individual or pair control
  • Available with optional anti-footsie device
  • Includes matching T-shirts that say “<- I’m with stupid

See the chair at Cenqua PairOn

Buy this T-shirt!

Article published on February 5, 2009

One Response to “Extreme Programming Taken to the Extreme”

  1. Victor Velasquez Says:

    Funny. It is nice to read something with sense of humor in the middle of the morning.
    Here is a funny video I want to share:

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